"I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I am not."

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Everything has a pattern.Things happen the way they are meant to be.A puny seed develops roots,sprouts a stem and comes to life and grows to becomes a mighty tree one day.Similarly, everything in this world is quite predictable as it happens the way it should.The sun rises and the moon sets continuously.A person's life also has a pattern.He takes birth, stands on his two legs and slowly grows into an adult.He faces many challenges and experiences, good and bitter while undergoing this transformation.This makes him what he is.Man is not on his own and so are the heavenly bodies like the planets,stars etc.His circumstances and way of life affects him during this transformation.I do not believe that everybody has the same level of IQ.Some may have a little less, like me and hence end up sacrificing certain things in life.Some people get more attached while some care a frock about others.Hence everybody is different psychologically even though their pattern of life is quite similar to plants.animals and heavenly bodies alike.Because of man's sophisticated intelligence he may develop a lot quicker than most other species on this planet.This means he experiences wider things in life.It's not that animals are any less intelligent, but the fact is that their intelligence is confined, whereas man is always changing, more quickly.I read that a leopard walked 120 km without any aid to reach its home place after it was shifted to another place by forest officials.A man would't be able to achieve it without the help of maybe a GPS,map or other physical aids.Hence, we can say that the scope of animals thinking is limited whereas man's is always expanding.This doesn't make animals any dumb because they have the intelligence required to lead a comfortable life sans any difficulties.The innovative thinking cells are absent in animals or may be we can say present in minute quantities.An animal can be trained to achieve certain feats but with the help of a human.We never see an animal training another animal or for that matter exploring new methods to hunt,live or move.They are content with what they have.We heard of elephants taking the aid of the sky to travel large distances and following trails or landmark to reach a destination.Animals experience attachment just the way we do and in certain theories even more.In the infamous dog, Hachiko's story we experience the magic of true love and loyalty, the traits which are disappearing in humans as advancement takes place.One-night stands, hook up's and wife swapping are gaining popularity.Families are becoming smaller as the world progresses. Maybe some day we'll start living all alone in a secluded house and stay connected only via social media viz social networking sites,phones,tabs and don't know what next.Nobody wants truth.All they want is power.But living a scums life for power isn't any living.I'd rather earn a decent income and explore the nature's beauty rather than earn crore's and sit all day inside four walls and wearing dark glasses to be unrecognized in public.I'd not want to travel at someones else's expense after kissing that person's ass.I'd rather prefer being on my own and travelling at my wish and living the way I want to.Attachments are gone.We have evolved into the era where you start living for yourself more than for other's.I'd prefer a life of rebel than a life of mercy.But you need to understand the fact that animals still are the same and we need to respect them.We need to be compassionate towards them.Deplore humans if you wish, but not animals for they are natures best creations unlike humans who have plagued the earth with their cruel minds.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I 'R' Buffoon

Today evening I received a brochure from my dream college where I wish to see myself in a year or two.It means they have received my application and now I have to wait and watch whether I get a call from them or not.That would happen if I get a good score in that exam for which I appeared a month ago.That I would know in a months time.If it doesn't happen this time around, I will try for it the next year again.I remember this story from my childhood where a King called Robert Bruce while hiding in a cave observes a spider which tries to build a web from one area of the cave's roof to other and each time it failed it began again until it succeeded.The moral of the story is "If at first you don't succeed, try try again." But I believe a second chance is enough to succeed and if you don't then it isn't just your cup of tea.
English is such an interesting language.I am getting more and more fond of the language as days pass by.I want to see myself as a good speaker of the language because it is one of the most widely spoken and understood language and whatever ideas you might want to present you should first be able to communicate properly or you screw up the entire thing and it isn't worth all the hard-work you put behind.But English is a vast language with rich vocabulary which would require daily practice to perfect.You would also regularly need to speak in that language to be able to present your ideas without any flaws.
Well,tomorrow is December 1,wait it is Hari Kamal's birthday tomorrow.Oh, it didn't strike me until I was just planning to make a schedule starting tomorrow.I should wish him in an hour when the hands of the clock would meet at 12 O' clock just the way two lovers meet for a minute and then depart.But the felicity with those hands is that they get to meet like that every hour.Coming back to December 1st, yes, I want to make another fresh start after a month's rest and continue with my endeavor to hone my skills and be in a year or two where I want to be.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Here we go

A lazy afternoon indeed.Just had my lunch and already feeling sluggish.Damn, I'm bored of this monotonous life of 20 years.I need a change. I am bored of waking up in the same place everyday,seeing the same faces and doing the same things over and over again.I want to spend the next couple of years alone in some god-damned place and do something worthwhile.I am sick of this dismal life.I am also sick of thinking about persons who have long forgotten me.I am sick of hearing the same stories everyday from different people.My adrenaline is all going down he drain.I don't want to be tomorrow, what I am today.I want to forget certain things.Donno what, but I am getting hyper... so better stop at this.. and go byee :(( :aAARGHH !!!

Friday, November 25, 2011


How do I start my post? Hmm.. well a few days back I got determined to say to this childhood friend of mine that she is pretty and I messaged her the same.She received it well and thanked me.In the recent times, I got to befriend a soup-girl from my college in a situation that matched mine.She started with all that I recently ended with and hence I didn't pay much heed as I didn't want my hormones to act strange again, but when it did play a slight spoilsport it reminded me of this song from Aap ki Khatir starring my favorite Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra.
Today is November 25th which marks International Meatless and Animal Rights Day.Coming to that last Sunday I was at a gathering at Necklace Road which celebrated this Day and the Birthday of Sadhu Vaswani. The crowd contained mostly school children of may be 5- 14 years of age who belonged to a school run by his mission.They all were holding placards and banners depecting various animal-friendly and vegetarianism quotes.
And then comes the crap part, my college. Aaargh ! The Fresher's Day was conducted in the most silliest way possible.Under a tent, in the weed-ridden football field of our college and to which Indian Idol SriRam was the Chief Guest.But the mic given to him was so crappy that we wished he left soon much to the harassment by the security guards (read lectures) who didn't let us have fun. Ad-mist the poorly conducted programs and crappy speakers ( Read Disc Jockey or DJ ) blaring noise, I got cooked in no time.Some were actually enjoying it and even shouting and whistling to that crap,believe me.
CAT 2011 has been battled poorly with my moronic brain.You can expect what the results may be like which have of-course not released yet.But when it does, they are sure to give me at-least a few sleepless nights pondering over the mistakes I made.I am sure about this outcome because it has been happening all the time.I do not know what makes me what I am.Let these three months pass by and let March come which will make all things clear.Some companies came to my college for recruitment and you needn't guess, they lost a gem in me.They fell for Gold as everybody does and didn't spot the platinum in me.I pity them. (you may think it is a case of sour grapes, but it ain't) because I am the real deal and I belong not here (now don't guess where :P coz I really don't know).
Something went into my eye yesterday and it now looks red and nice like Planet Mars just the way they show on the TV.Moi God, I am 20 years old and gonna be 21 soon and look at me, I have nothing to boast about today.